Welcome to Shibayama・Mikami Lab, Waseda University
We are involoved in education and research activities in the field of coastal engineering and environmental issues in estuarine and coastal regions.
Prof. Shibayama's comments[link]
Professor Tomoya Shibayama moved to the following office.
Prof. Tomoya Shibayama
Institute Professor, Research and Development Initiative
Chuo University
Kasuga 1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551
Mail: shibayama(at)waseda.jp (Permanent),
tshibayama538(at)g.chuo-u.ac.jp (Office)
(Please change (at) to @)
- Surveys of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Tsunami that occurred on 1 January were conducted on 5 and 6 January. Surveyed areas include Joetsu City, Nyuzen Town, Notojima in Nanao City, Shiga Town and Wajima City. The survey results will be reported on this page shortly.
- Dr. Takahito Mikami was appointed Associate Professor of Waseda University on April 1, 2023. He is one of the founding members of the Shibayama laboratory.
- Professor Tomoya Shibayama has been awarded the 2022 Okuma Memorial Science Prize. The prize is awarded to "individuals with outstanding research achievements who have made a deep contribution to the improvement of academic standards over a long period of time", and he was presented with a supplementary prize for his work on "Analysis of coastal disasters and development of disaster mitigation methods".
- “Coastal Disaster Surveys and Assessment for Risk Management”, an English-language technical book edited by Professor Shibayama and Professor Esteban and co-authored by 34 doctoral graduates and present students of the Shibayama Laboratory, published by Taylor & Francis, is now available. The book is a summary of more than 45 years of research on coastal disasters by Professor Shibayama and is a compilation of the achievements of the Shibayama School.[link]
- The interview of Prof. Tomoya Shibayama is open to the public (The latter half is written in English)[link]
- 5 students graduated from Shibayama laboratory on 18 september
- Dr. Tomoyuki Takabatake received the Young Scientist's Prize from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology). The prize is a very honourable prize for Japanese young faculty members. Dr. Takabatake received his BE, ME and Dr. of Eng. degrees from Waseda University and served as an assistant professor in our laboratory for three years. He is now an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Kindai University in Osaka.[link]
- Dr. Tomoyuki Takabatake is promoted to Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Kindai University in Osaka. We appreciate his long contribution to our laboratory, both in education and research.
- Prof. Shibayama will deliver a lecture on coastal disasters in the webinar organized by PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure), Japan Section (Free of Charge, in English)[link]
- Waseda University offered an article in Nature. It describes the recent research on Coastal Disasters by Prof. Shibayama.[link]
- The tsunami experiment and Interview with Prof. Shibayama were broadcasted in Australian ABC's documentary "Japan's Great Wall". (time axis around 8:10 to 10:00)[movie][link]
- A recent article appears on the web site of Waseda University to report the research activities of Prof. Shibayama for these ten years after the Tohoku tsunami.[link]
- Prof. Tomoya Shibayama received the Waseda University Teaching Award for his undergraduate class, “Ethics and Practice of Engineers.” 【Certificate】
- Dr. Martin Mäll, JSPS Post-Doc Researcher of our laboratory, is promoted to an Assistant Professor at the Civil Engineering Department, Yokohama National University, on March 1, 2021.
- We received a donation of a new cluster computer system from Mr Chang Wai-Yun and Gigabyte Technology (GM: Mr. Etay Lee) in Taiwan. We really appreciate their contribution. We are using the computer for our most advanced computer simulation of coastal disaster predictions.[letter of appreciation]
- Professor Tomoya Shibayama received 2019 Hamaguchi Award For Enhancement of Tsunami/Coastal Disaster Resilience.
[link] (English explanation is shown in the page 3)
- 10th party of Shibayama Laboratory was held on 11 October 2019.
- WAYCEM Seminar on Complex Disasters around the World Ⅱ will be held on 13 September 2017. [link]
WAYCEM Seminar will be live-streamed on YouTube. [link]
- Former student of Prof. Shibayama, Prof. Ioan Nistor is introduced in JSCE International Newsletter. [link] [Facebook]
- Prof. Shibayama's free online course "Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters" has been released (18 January 2016 -) at edX. [link]
- "Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners" was published from Elsevier. [link]
- 2019.10.11:10th party of Shibayama Laboratory.
- 2019.09.30-10.02:Presented papers at Coastal Structures 2019 in Hannover, Germany.
- 2019.09.26-09.28:Presented papers at APAC2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2019.09.14:Conducted a field survey on high wave caused by extraordinary low pressure system in Kanagawa
- 2019.08.14-08.19:Conducted a tsunami field survey in Sunda Strait, Indonesia
- 2019.07.19:Presented papers at JACZS Conference in Osaka
- 2019.05.14:Welcome party for new students
- 2019.01.12-01.17: Conducted a tsunami field survey in Sunda Strait, Indonesia
- 2018.10.27-10.31: Conducted a tsunami field survey in Palu, Indonesia
- 2018.10.06: Presented papers at JSNDS Conference in Sendai
- 2018.09.06: Conducted a field survey on storm surge caused by extraordinary low pressure system in Osaka Bay
- 2018.07.30-08.03: Presented papers at ICCE2016, Baltimore, United States
- 2018.07.18: Presented papers at JACZS Conference in Yokohama
- 2018.05.14: Welcome party for new students
- 2017.10.27: Conducted a field survey on storm surge caused by extraordinary low pressure system in Kanagawa
- 2017.10.25: Presented papers at 64th Coastal Engineering Conference in Hokkaido
- 2017.10.19-21: Presented papers in APAC2017, Pasay City, Philippines
- 2017.10.13: Conducted a field survey on Mount Shinmoe eruption
- 2017.09.27: Presented papers at JSNDS Conference in Niigata
- 2017.09.13: Internation Symposium at Okuma Auditorium
- 2017.07.22: Presented papers at JACZS Conference in Kumamoto
- 2017.05.16: Welcome party for new students
- 2016.11.17-20: Presented papers at ICCE2016, Antalya, Turkey
- 2016.11.16-18: Presented papers at 63rd Coastal Engineering Conference in Osaka
- 2016.10.16-21: Presented papers at COPEDEC2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 2016.10.06-08: Waseda Civil Engineers Survey Team visited Tohoku area
- 2016.07.16-17: Presented papers at JACZS Conference in Kochi
- 2016.06.23-24: Presented papers at 41st Civil Engineering in the Ocean Symposium in Hamamatsu
- 2016.06.04-05: Presented papers at KSS annual conference in Tokyo
- 2016.05.18: Welcome party for new students
- 2016.05.10-13: Presented papers at Coastlab16, Ottawa, Canada
- 2016.02.05: Presentation of Master Thesis
- 2016.02.03: Presentation of Graduation Thesis
- 2016.01.18: Released online course "Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters" at edX
- 2015.11.11-13: Presented papers at 62nd Coastal Engineering Conference in Tokyo
- 2015.11.04: Joint Seminar with Delft University of Technology
- 2015.10.22-24: Seminar at Waseda Kamogawa Seminar House.
- 2015.09.24-25: Presented papers at JSNDS Conference in Yamaguchi
- 2015.09.07-10: Presented papers in APAC2015, IIT Madras, India
- 2015.07.18-19: Presented papers at JACZS Conference in Ibaraki
- 2015.06.22-23: Presented papers at 40th Civil Engineering in the Ocean Symposium in Kobe
- 2015.05.12: Welcome party for new students
- 2023.01.02
- Update publication list
- 2023.11.26
- Update publication list
- 2023.06.30
- Update publication list
- "Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters"
”Coastal Disaster Surveys and Assessment for Risk Management” (Taylor & Francis) 2022
"Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners" (Elesevier) 2015
"After the 3.11 Disaster: Waseda's 92 Analyses and Suggestions" (Waseda Univ. Press) 2015
"Japanese Coasts" (Asakura Publishing) 2013
"Disaster and Education" (Gakubunsha) 2012
"3.11 Tsunami - disaster survey and mitigation strategy" (Waseda Univ. Press) 2011
"Coastal Processes" (World Scientific) 2008
"Ethics and Practice of Civil Engineers" (Maruzen Publishing) 2004
"Sociology of Construction" (Sankaido) 1996